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PULSE 2: Choir System in Slovenian Schools and Choir Pyramid in St. Stanislav's Institution

135 ogledov
Miha Banovec  •  objavljeno 19. 07. 2021 v Glasba
Opis posnetka
Presented by Damijan Močnik (SI), Inge Breznik (SI). Music importantly underpins the curriculum of all schools in St. Stanislav’s Institution, where almost half of the students participate in choral singing. 7 school choirs; 2 alumni choirs; winnings at prestigious competitions, World Symposium on Choral Music, ACDA convention, concerts with professional symphonic orchestras, concerts tours and much more... Choral singing has a rich tradition in Slovenian national culture, which is reflected in the Slovenian educational system. Singing is made possible to all the children through obligatory subject of musical education and via interest activity of choral singing. Musical education and choirs are led by pedagogues with university degrees.
Europa Cantat TV
Datum dogodka
19. 07. 2021