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HPC Vega – Slovenian EuroHPC supercomputer, Dejan Valh

27 ogledov
Mreža znanja  •  objavljeno 06. 12. 2024 v Računalništvo in informatika
Opis posnetka
HPC Vega is in its fourth year of operation and has hosted over 80 large-scale EuroHPC JU and domestic projects. In parallel HPC Vega has supported or still supporting many development and smaller benchmark projects, altogether more than 1000 researchers and other users working on 400 projects, representing all major scientific domains. HPC Vega infrastructure is used by development and research activities within EU projects Intertwin, EPICURE, and SMASH. IZUM together with partners supports several Centres of Excellence (like MultiXScale and Max3) and activities of EuroCC SLING led by Arnes. Resources of HPC Vega are available also on commercial pay-per-use terms. Some companies from Slovenia and abroad already run their calculations on HPC Vega. A presentation provided information on best practices to access such a large public research HPC infrastructure. Dejan Valh has been the Head of the supercomputing sector for several years, and before that he was the Head of the system support sector at IZUM for many years, where he was employed as a system engineer in 2000. He was one of the technical experts at the tender in the HPC RIVR project, where Slovenia acquired the HPC Vega, the most powerful supercomputer in Slovenia, and later worked as the Head of the HPC RIVR expert council, then as the SLING coordinator, and was an associate member of the INFRAG infrastructure advisory group at to the EuroHPC JU, which jointly funded HPC Vega in 2021.


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