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NCC Slovenia Collaboration, Milan Ojsteršek

17 ogledov
Mreža znanja  •  objavljeno 06. 12. 2024 v Računalništvo in informatika
Opis posnetka
The presentation outlined our strategy to foster international and national collaboration in the field of high-performance computing. Key objectives of our strategy include: - Accelerating the dissemination of knowledge and best practices through intensified international cooperation. - Strengthening partnerships between industry and academia to drive innovation and address real-world challenges. - Collaborating with the CASTIEL 2 initiative as well as general cooperation with the EuroHPC ecosystem (e.g. Centres of Excellence and EDIHs) to enhance the impact of high-performance computing on research and inovation. - Fostering national networking and collaboration among National Competence Centers (NCCs) to share knowledge and resources. - Addressing issues related to intellectual property rights to facilitate collaboration and technology transfer. Milan Ojsteršek is a head of the Laboratory for Heterogeneous Computer Systems at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. His research focuses on heterogeneous computing systems, the semantic web, natural language processing, open-access repositories, and research data archives. He leads the development and operation of Slovenian open-access infrastructure and several international and national projects connected to the open-access infrastructure, open data, knowledge management, and academic integrity. He participated in the HPC RIVR project, which established the Vega and Maister supercomputers. A group from Laboratory for Heterogeneous Computer Systems was established a big data archive.


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