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SMASH – Machine Learning for Science and Humanities Postdoctoral Program, Gabrijela Zaharijas

19 ogledov
Mreža znanja  •  objavljeno 06. 12. 2024 v Računalništvo in informatika
Opis posnetka
SMASH – is an innovative, intersectoral, career-development training program for postdoctoral researchers, centred on developing cutting-edge machine learning applications for science and humanities. It is a five year European project, led by the University of Nova Gorica, co-financed by Horizon Europe, Marie Sklodowska Curie COFUND Action. SMASH aims to support 50 postdoctoral researchers that will use the HPC VEGA, and apply machine learning techniques to address some of the world’s most challenging scientific questions. In this presentation an overview of the program that is now in its second year and projects under development by our fellows was presented. Gabrijela Zaharijas is associated professor of physics at the University of Nova Gorica. She is a PI of the MSCA project SMASH and works on applications of machine learning algorithms to gamma ray astrophysics.


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